How do I get my children's book published?

You've written a story. The next step is to figure out how to get it published. The options for publishing today can be confusing. Should you self-publish? Rejection letters from traditional publishers can be frustrating. Be brave and positive, knowing that every step you take is leading you somewhere for your highest benefit. Honor every experience, looking for the wisdom, rather than the sorrow. If the world is opening for your story to appear, nothing will stop its success but you.

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The Practice of Creating a Life

For as long as people have been creating, there have been others taking inspiration from them, then pushing a bit further, seeing new things in new ways. The authentic 'voice' of an artist, writer, or musician comes from deep within their own knowing. Looking at the work of others can be inspiring, but searching through websites and Pinterest pages for inspiration can actually become a block to real inspiration. Learning to believe in your own vision is the key. 

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Should I enroll my kid in art classes?

There are lots of ways to support your creative genius. Reading to them is one of the most important things a parent can do for their child. Three books a night turns into almost a thousand books a year! And with every story, you'll be expanding their world and forming new brain synapses. Fill art tubs with reams of the least expensive copier paper from the office supply store, bright colored pencils...

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